EDIPI towards the general public

Presentation by Gabriele Messori in Science Fika, 26 November 2023

Gabriele Messori, Professor of meteorology and EDIPI scientific coordinator, was the main speaker at the Science Fika on 26 November. This event is organized by Uppsala Library in order to stimulate the interest in science among the general public. His presentation had the title “Extreme weather: is it linked to climate change?”

Aleksa Stankovic (ESR 1), Ferran López Martí (ESR 2), Emma Holmberg (ESR 9, neé Allwright) and Anastasiya Shyrokaya (ESR 10) participated in Scifest, 21-23 September 2023

Scifest is a popular science fair that takes place in Uppsala (Sweden) where different researchers from different disciplines offer interactive demonstrations, hands-on activities, scientific shows, and engaging scientific lectures to school pupils and the general public.

Aleksa Stankovic (ESR 1) explained how scientists can get a snapshot of Earth’s past climate from tree rings.

Aleksa stands by a tree trunk at Scifest

Ferran López Martí (ESR 2) made the meteorological prognosis of Storm Hans (Summer 2023, Sweden) accessible for students. 

Ferran speaks to a group of students

Emma Holmberg (ESR 9, neé Allwright) showed with colored balls how the probabilities for heatwaves have increased for climate change.

Emma explains her experiment to a group of students

Anastasiya Shyrokaya (ESR 10) was incharge of an experiment that showed how different types of soil, as well as the elevation, can increase damages caused by intense rain and floods. 


Bianca Biess (ESR 11) made a presentation about climate change at a school, 13 June 2023

Bianca Biess gave a presentation about the general topic of climate change at the school of Sekundarschule Ruggenacher in Regensdorf, Switzerland. 


Bianca Biess (ESR 11) took part in the “LERNfeld” seminar from GLOBE-SWISS, 22-23 May 2023

Bianca Biess gave an online presentation to a school class from the school Oberstufe Ried (Basel, Switzerland) on climate change, and later visited the farm Plantahof in Liestal.

First slide of Bianca's presentation at a school

Bianca Biess (ESR 11) took part in the “LERNfeld” seminar from GLOBE-SWISS, 8 & 10 May 2023

Bianca Biess, with other peers, supported the secondary school of Sek. Leonhard (Basel, Switzerland) in exploring the topics of biodiversity and climate change by visiting the farm Hof Untere Wanne in Liestal, where the pupils practice scientific methods accompanied by young researchers.


Newspaper interview by EDIPI’s training coordinator Davide Faranda,  6 May 2023

Davide Faranda (CNRS) gave an interview to the French newspaper La Dépêche about how with El Niño phenomenon will suffer amplified effects of global warming. Read Davide’s interview in La Dépêche website (in French).


Bianca Biess (ESR 11) took part in the “LERNfeld” seminar from GLOBE-SWISS, 3-4 May 2023

Bianca Biess, with other peers, supported the secondary school of Gymnasium Kirschgarten (Basel, Switzerland) in exploring the topics of biodiversity and climate change by visiting the farm Neuhof in Liestal, where the pupils practice scientific methods accompanied by young researchers.

Anupama K Xavier (ESR 7) participated in ASGARD project in Belgium, 22-24 March 2023

Anupama K Xavier participated in ASGARD, a school project organised by Sint-Pieterscollege Jette together with the Belgian Space Pole institutes ROB, RMI, BIRA and STCE. Each year, students –between 15 and 19 years old– from the United Kingdom, Portugal, Spain, Belgium, and the Netherlands, send their self invented and self-made experiment into “space” with a stratospheric balloon. Participating in ASGARD is very similar to a real science mission in space, performed by a team during one school year. They also get an opportunity to interact with scientists who work in these institutes to familiarise with present day science and its growth.

First slide of Anupama's presentation on Models used to geometric shape


Jamie Mathews (ESR 4) writes a piece about his involvement in the project Línte na Farraige, 27 March 2023

In this blog post, Jamie Using reflects on how the light installations to visualise the risk of rising seas and storm surges by Finnish artists Timo Aho and Pekka Nittyvirta help us reflect on local changes due to climate change.  

Capture on Jamie's blog post with a picture of the light installation


2022 European Researchers’ Night/Forskarfredag, 30 September 2022

Gabriele Messori (UU, Scientific Coordinator of EDIPI) gave a presentation for Drottning Blankas Gymnasieskola Örebro in Sweden on the topic of extreme weather events, as part in the 2022 European Researchers’ Night. 

Outreach campaign in Kerala, India, by Sohan Suresan (ESR 6)

Sohan Suresan (TAU) conducted an outreach campaign in Kerala, India, targetting high school and higher secondary education students in a couple of public schools. The topics of his campaign were extreme events, climate change and his PhD research topic, respectively understanding and predicting extreme dynamical events and specifically when the jet stream and storms in the North Atlantic behave in a very unusual way for a relatively long period.
Sohan presenting his work to students in India_1 Sohan presenting his work to students in India_2 Sohan presenting his work to students in India_3

Presentation by Ferran López Martí (ESR 2), UU Climate Change Day, 20 May 2022

Ferran López Martí (UU) has presented his research on Euro-Atlantic atmospheric rivers, during the event organized by Uppsala university aimed at raising awareness for climate change issues.

Ferran Lopez Marti in front of his poster presented at Climate Change Day by Uppsala University



Presentation by Anupama Xavier (ESR 7), ASGARD: balloons for science, 28 April 2022

Anupama Xavier participated in the ASGARD project, a balloon project organized once a year by Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium (RMIB) for schools, allowing students to propose an experiment to be launched with a weather balloon. During the day, the participants were immersed in meteorology, astronomy, and space science via workshops and visits at the three institutes – RMIB, Royal Observatory of Belgium and Royal Belgian Institute for Space Astronomy.

Anupama presented a simplified version of her doctoral studies work to students from primary and secondary education. 


Anupama presenting her work to primary and secondary education students



Lecture by Gabriele Messori at Uppsala Public lecture , 16 November 2021

Gabriele Messori (UU, Scientific Coordinator of EDIPI) gave a presentation on extreme climate events in Europe at the event arranged by Forskning&Framsteg at Uppsala City Library, Uppsala, Sweden.


Announcement of Gabriele's lecture at Uppsala Library


Joan Ballester at 2021 European Research Night

Joan Ballester (ISGlobal) presented the project at the European Research Night (La Nit de la Recerca) scientific event in Barcelona. Read more about Joan’s presentation on the event’s website (in Spanish).

Presentation by Gabriele Messori in three Swedish schools, 10 September 2021